Assessment Center

- Strategy
- Human Capital
- Recruitment Process
- Critical Skill Evaluation
- Flexible Assessment Design
- Expert-Led Interview Panel
The Cumbrian Consult Assessment Center is our highly specialized and holistic recruitment process which comprises of a series of tasks and activities that are designed to test a candidates’ suitability for a job by assessing Knowledge, Skills, Ability and Attitude. The main aim of the assessment center is to select a candidate who is the “right fit”. The process allows candidates to demonstrate a wide range of skills and competencies by participating in Psychometric analysis, Case studies, written tests, presentations and a traditional face to face interview before a panel which consists of Human Resources experts and seasoned professionals in the relevant fields.
In addition to assessing a candidate’s specific knowledge about a job role, we look out for critical skills such as analytical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, communication, decision making, time-management as well as other skills relevant to any particular position. We also assess and match salary expectations as much as possible.
Our assessment center varies in style, length and content depending on the level or position; but typically lasts a little over half a day.
Some of our successful recruitments include:
- Sales Executive – Interior Design
- Chief Financial Officer – Electronics and Home Appliances Industry
- Chief Legal Officer – Real Estate and Construction
- Deputy General Managers – Real Estate and Construction
- Chief Human Resources Manager – Real Estate and Construction
- Project Management Office Manager – Construction Company
- Business Development Associates – Management Consulting Firm
- Treasury Managers – Electronics and Home Appliances Industry